Julian Casablancas is coming out with his first solo album next Tuesday. He's the lead singer in this band called the Strokes. They're good. Actually, they rule more than ruler. Sadly, it seems like the Strokes are having a little bit of trouble recording their 4th album, but luckily we have Julian's record to hold us over until the Strokes get it together (get it together, dudes. please. thank you).
"11th Dimension" is the lead single off Julian's new album, Phrazes For The Young. It sounds like the Strokes crossed with Miami Horror and the theme song from "Saturday's Night Main Event." The Strokes definitely tried to play with keyboard/synth sound on songs like "12:51" with guitar pedals but on "11th Dimension" Julian says fuck it, this is my own album and goes all out with the synth which sounds amazing and ridiculously catchy. Julian's voice is just as wonderful as he delivers those awesome one liners like he did with the Strokes ( "I just nod, I never been so good at shaking hands." Simple, yet awesome.)
Personally, this track sounds just as good or maybe even better than anything that the Strokes have released. It's possible that it just sounds refreshing to me cause Julian is taking a chance with some different sounds on this tune and hopefully the rest of the album, which I can't wait to hear.
Phrazes For The Young will be released next Tuesday, November 3rd. You can buy it on Itunes for the low, low price of 4.99 or as Julian's website states, for less than a pack of smokes.