Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jack Peñate-Everything Is New

Apart from having a sweet moustache and a Blagovejich-esque top, Jack Peñate has pure gold with his new album, Everything is New. The anxiety and urgency in Peñate's vocals immediately suck you in and take you on a journey through life, love, and death.
Peñate makes all three sound so good with bouncy, disco like bass lines and what at times seems like giant samba band backing him up. Standout tracks "Pull My Heart Away" and "Lets All Die" scream of, well, live audiences screaming the choruses back in celebration. In "Lets All Die" he celebrates and embraces death in a such a manner that it makes you want to start a conga line to heaven (or hell).
Watch his video for "Pull My Heart Away" right here. And see him live this fall opening for Miike Snow.

Monday, September 28, 2009

First Post-The Big Pink

Welcome to This is the first post of many to come. We have many things already planned including interviews with Beyonce, Daft Punk, and the Jo Bros. In this world you either get a big thumbs down or a big thumbs up. Lets get down to business...

The Big Pink
A BIG thumbs up has to be handed out to the Big Pink. Their first full length, "A Brief History of Love" has been getting some serious play on the Ipod and on constant repeat in my head for the past couple weeks. It combines all the things I love about British music. It's a got some shoegaze, big anthems, and that certain swagger that only Brit bands possess. And they have a girl drummer! You can never go wrong with a girl drummer. Watch the video for "Dominos" here.